Today the priest at St. Anne's talked about God's playfulness. It's something I haven't really considered before but he was totally right! God's pretty silly when ya think about it.
First of all, we've got birds that repeat what we say. There's the silly way penguins waddle and the way toddlers run in their diapers. There's puppies that trip over their own feet and lightning bugs that play in fields at night. There's me and you, who, no offense, are pretty silly. There's tickling and giggling and goosebumps and hiccups and all sorts of silly things we do. Look at all of creation and just TRY to convince yourself that God doesn't have a sense of humor. You can't do it!
Thinking about that today made me very happy. =) God's a playful guy and He blessed me with the chance to enjoy it.
Today's Sunny Thing?
God's Playfulness
God's Playfulness
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