Saturday, May 29, 2010

42. God's Playfulness

Today the priest at St. Anne's talked about God's playfulness. It's something I haven't really considered before but he was totally right! God's pretty silly when ya think about it.

First of all, we've got birds that repeat what we say. There's the silly way penguins waddle and the way toddlers run in their diapers. There's puppies that trip over their own feet and lightning bugs that play in fields at night. There's me and you, who, no offense, are pretty silly. There's tickling and giggling and goosebumps and hiccups and all sorts of silly things we do. Look at all of creation and just TRY to convince yourself that God doesn't have a sense of humor. You can't do it!

Thinking about that today made me very happy. =) God's a playful guy and He blessed me with the chance to enjoy it.

Today's Sunny Thing?
God's Playfulness

41. Fishing

You know it's summer when I don't update every day. =)

My dad taught me to fish when I was just a teeny little chica. Each of us kids had our own little fishing poles and we'd go out on the pontoon boat at Houghton Lake or from the shore of a pond somewhere nearby. I remember trying SO hard to cast further than he could... to catch a bigger fish. I always tried to bait my own hook to impress him and I still remember how proud he was when I finally took a fish off my hook by myself. I still do that, just because I know that he's proud to have a daughter that's not afraid of getting slimy and dirty and wormy.

This week we went on our first fishing trip of the year. It wasn't terribly successful but was definitely an adventure! We caught a few fish, got enough bites to keep things interesting, and had some good talks. I fed a baby bass to Max who usually just plays with them but, for some reason, opted to eat the entire thing this time. We stayed out until 9pm and got WHOOPED with rain. It was so fun speeding through the pouring rain, trying to outrun the lightning, and loading the boat faster than we've ever done before. Sitting on ponchos in the car, smelling wet fishy dog, and trying to warm up a bit. I don't get to spend much one on one time with my dad so trips like that when it's just us are special. It was a spectacular evening and I can't wait for more. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?

Waiting for the first bite

hooking the first fish of the season =)


last year's rainy fishing trip

my first fish last year... even smaller than this year's first =P

Sunday, May 23, 2010

40. This Week's Forecast

I have been WAITING for summer to hit. The Weather Channel is making claims that my dream will come true this week and I couldn't be happier about it. The unfortunate news is that I have to go back to work for 4 of the happy days. However, it's SUNNY outside and I have several days to enjoy it. Can't wait! =)

Today's Sunny Thing?
This Week's Forecast

Saturday, May 22, 2010

39. Splashing in Puddles

Do you remember preschool? The age where the world is magical and it doesn't matter that you don't understand it because it's magic? Babysitting Lily last night reminded me of that age. At two and a half, my suggestion that we go outside at the exact moment that the sky let loose and rain was POURING down was unheard of. The fact that I went out with her and splashed in puddles and got my clothes and hair soaking wet was magical and probably something she'd never seen before. After reading Emily's blog about dancing in the rain with Harper, I've missed dancing in the rain. It's an item on my list and although I've done it countless times, it's been awhile. Thus, Lily and I spent an hour spinning, splashing, dancing, running, racing, and listening to the rain. Of course, we had to pour water out of our shoes afterwards and spray off the mud and clean up the floor but it was totally worth it. It was a spectacular evening, followed by cuddling under blankets and watching The Princess and The Frog before bedtime stories. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?
Splashing in Puddles

38. Water Rings

I love watching rain hit puddles, pools, lakes, ponds... any body of water, really. Water rings fascinate me for some reason. They go on and on and on and can be metaphors for all sorts of things. Every time I spend any amount of time thinking about it, I can apply water rings to a different aspect of my life. Crazy, perhaps, but try it! I'll bet you can come up with some pretty fancy metaphors too. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?
Water Rings

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

37. Rearranging

I've always loved rearranging furniture. When I was little, I wasn't allowed to. Then I started doing it on my own and got yelled at every time because I was "hurting the dressers." (I suppose it probably isn't good for them to be drug across a wood floor). Finally my parents bought some of those plastic furniture movers that you slide under the legs to make moving easier (see the pic). It's still difficult... now you have to lift instead of push (to get the plastic sliders under each leg), but it sure makes the actual moving portion simpler.

Anyway, I used to move furniture on every holiday. Makes sense... holidays present a quiet day at home with the fam with nothing to do but eat and watch sports. I didn't really like the watching sports part so I'd go upstairs and move dressers. =) It was a good time.

Today I spent my time rearranging my mom's room. =) I was going to do my room because I've been itching to do it for weeks now (but couldn't due to surgery). However, my mom caught wind of it and mentioned how much she wanted her room rearranged. She works so much these days that she doesn't get a chance to do things like that. Thus, I spent all day moving it around and vacuuming and rediscovering things like my nursery school diploma. After being allowed to do little more than walk for the past 2.5 weeks, moving furniture proved to be a huge workout! I completely crashed afterward. I went to my room to begin moving my stuff and opted to take a quick break. Welllll that turned into a 3 hour nap and here it is, only 13 hours after I woke up this morning, and I'm tired again! (You'd think the nap would hold me for at least a couple more hours, considering I just woke up 5 hours ago!). But, alas, my mom's room got done, mine didn't, and I'm still tired.

Gives me something to do tomorrow!

Today's Sunny Thing?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

36. Nicknames

Kids I babysit always come up with the best nicknames. My favorite is SaSa, but I've been known as See, Seewah, Saw, Sasha, Sala, Sarita (love Guatemala), and many many others. Hearing kids attempt to pronounce my name melts my heart every time - especially when they think they've got it right and the new version sticks throughout their entire lives. Certain friends of mine have adopted some of those nicknames and given the fact that I didn't have a name that could be shortened into a nickname (which upset me quite a bit), it was quite exciting to have little minds figure out ways to do it. Those of you that live with nicknames (all the Elizabeths that go by Liz or Beth or Liza and all the Stephanies that are Steph and all the Michaels that go by Mike)... don't forget how lucky you are to get at least SOME say in your name. And for those of you that got names like Sarah... it's ALWAYS possible to shorten your name to something fun. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?

35. Bubbles

Today I got to play with two of the most adorable little girls ever. They've got about a 15 word vocabulary and today's favorite (aside from "hi!") was "bubbles." I brought some exciting toys over to their house today and, go figure, their favorite wasn't the plastic baseball bat or the big blue ball or the sidewalk chalk. No, it was daddy powered bubbles. Their dad, who was home for only a few days from the Marines, agreed that life would be much happier if service men and women had bubbles on base to play with. Bubbles just make the world a happier place, don't they? Especially then they're being chased by two toddling dimpled blondes. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?

Monday, May 10, 2010

34. Goosebumps

Usually I consider goosebumps to be a bad thing. I'm cold most of the time and don't particularly enjoy it. The other day it was 82 degrees outside and I still had goosebumps. I was born to live in 88-92 degree weather and, unfortunately, popped out in Michigan.

However, goosebumps are a pretty cool thing. First of all, the word is just silly. Goosebumps. Who came up with that one? I could probably find out but speculating is so much more fun. (Ignorance is bliss, no?). Secondly, how amazing that it is possible to erase them with a quick rubbing? Friction is pretty cool. The fun part is that they don't last. Can you imagine eternal goosebumps? Get cold once and you're screwed for life. Ah!

Anyhow, goosebumps are pretty cool if you really break it down. They prove to people that it is, indeed, possible to be cold on a sunny 82 degree day. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

33. Brunch

I am a huge fan of brunch. It allows for a late wakeup time, tons of yummy food, and usually a bunch of close friends & family. Brunch also typically means that the entire day is free because it hits at a very awkward time if you're working or in school. This morning brunch was served by the IHM nuns & was quite yummy. Happy Mommy's Day! We had lots of fruit, which basically made my day. Not only that but I met with Sister Pat about planning a retreat for college age kids in Monroe because unfortunately we don't have anything of the sort! I've got lots of plans for this retreat -- pretty stoked to plan it. But I digress. Point is, brunch today was a blessing & I thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with my mommy, grandparents, & Brian. =) My mom & I had the giggles all day and thanks to the kids last night, I'm in a much better mood (despite yucky tummy issues). AKA Brunch = amazing.

Today's Sunny Thing?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

32. Flour

Seems like a pretty crazy thing to be happy about, but today it was one of those little things that completely changed around my week.

I haven't been having a very good week. Thanks to surgery I've been pretty cooped up and not allowed to do active things... which are usually the things that keep me going. It's not that this week has been BAD. I just haven't really been in the best mood due to frustration and, well, boredom, I suppose. Not that I've been bored. I keep finding things to do. But inactivity makes me feel bored.

Anyway, tonight I babysat for the three kids I've been sitting for since they were each born. I love those kids. Tonight I brought flour and sugar and vanilla and eggs and baking powder and frosting and sprinkles and other various decorations to make Mother's Day cookies. I decided that I didn't care how messy the kitchen got. Kind of like that one rainy day several years ago when I pulled out the paints, tied our hair up, moved everything stain-prone out of the kitchen, and let the toddlers have at it. We finger painted with regular paints and made splatter pictures and all sorts of fun art (which, in turn, painted the floor and tables and cabinets) but it was so much fun that I didn't even mind the cleanup.

Thus, tonight, when we broke out into a flour war, I didn't even mind. We splattered each other's faces and shirts and the floor and the counters and it was so fun. Emma attempted to capture it all on camera and pretty much failed but it doesn't matter. We've got the memories (although the pictures would have been spectacular).

Come to think of it, flour is a really interesting product. Who knew grinding up wheat could make such a valuable and fun powder!? It sticks to your face and clothes but is super easy to brush off. It makes bread and cookies and brownies and cakes and all sorts of yummy goodies and feels really fun between your fingers. Basically, flour is pretty darn cool. And for that reason...

Today's Sunny Thing?

31. Hallmark Cards

Little known fact about Sarah: I am addicted to Hallmark cards. It's a controlled addiction -- I can avoid buying them. However, once I let myself enter a Hallmark store, I never emerge empty handed. This last trip was forced upon me by my mommy and I promised myself I wouldn't get anything. One thing led to another, however, and I ended up with birthday cards for my entire family's next birthday, three mother's day cards, and some disappointment regarding the fact that father's day cards weren't out yet. I also found birthday cards for friends that I've lost touch with but managed to avoid purchasing them (due solely to the fact that I no longer know their addresses).

I figure it's a healthy addiction -- only joy comes from it. I once got my best friend 13 cards for her birthday and I'm pretty sure she was pretty stoked to have 2 weeks of birthday cards. Unfortunately it's not the cheapest habit but Hallmark cards have got to be cheaper than drugs, right?

Another fun fact... Crayola is owned by Hallmark. Which only makes Hallmark that much cooler.

Today's Sunny Thing?
Hallmark Cards

Friday, May 7, 2010

30. Babies

Today was the premiere of Babies -- a documentary of my favorite thing in the world. =) It followed four infants from pregnancy to toddlerhood and was one and a half hours of pure joy.

I'm not sure what it is about babies... kids in general... that makes me so incredibly happy. I mean, kids make most people pretty happy (especially in the pre-talking stages) but I kind of have an extreme version of baby-syndrome. I don't even have to be holding them. Just seeing a little tyke in a shopping cart can make my entire afternoon. It's crazy. I've been like that since I was a kid and will hopefully always feel that way. I don't even want one of my own yet so you can't blame it on "girl hormones." I was just born with something that tells me that kids are God's single greatest gift to the world.

Perhaps it's that my life has been shaped by kids. When I was really little, it was my baby brothers. Then I got a little older and had to rely on baby dolls. They served me quite well. Very few family photos exist of me without my baby dolls. If I'm not holding one, I'm probably thinking about them. Rose, a gift from my uncle Matt & aunt Chris (prior to her being my aunt), was my favorite. I seriously thought she was my daughter for quite some time. Then I was 8 and FINALLY the real little Rose came along. She came over to cheer me up when I had surgery (and go figure, 12 years later, she did the same thing!). Then I started babysitting. Lauren started it off by sleeping through the night for the first time when I stayed overnight with her at 11 years old. A little girl named Bella saved my life when I was in high school. A two year old named Lily recently taught me more than I thought a 2 year old was capable of teaching. Just recently a 5 month old named Lila flipped my world upside down and changed my perspectives on more than I could ever hope to share here. The twins, Grace and Brooke, gave me tons of lessons on patience and parenting (as well as love). The kids in Guatemala put a whole new potential future on my radar. I can't even explain the amount of tears, smiles, giggles, thoughts, lessons, joy, stress, and changes that have been brought on by the kids in my life. Given my extreme hope to work with kids in one way or another (or two or five or ten ways), I can only imagine what kids will change my life are in my future. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?

Me & Mitchell

Me & Bella

Me, Aidan, & Emma

Me, Rose, Grace, & Brooke

Me & Harper

Me & Yeni


Me & A Sweet Guatemalan Bebe

Me & Rose

Me & Lauren

Me & Lila

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

29. Wikipedia

Today I came up with whole bunches of potential things to write about. But, alas, I had to settle for one. And tonight, while watching reruns of The Office (because what else is surgery good for?), Michael Scott reminded me of a fact that I've recently forgotten. Wikipedia whoops. Fosh. Michael Scott agrees. While wearing a women's suit (making him even more credible, obv), he stated "Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject, so you know you are getting the best possible information." Not to mention the whole random page button option. It's spectacular. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?

28. Palm Trees

Once upon a time, my best friend & I lived for something different every day. Our favorite one, and the one we turned to when nothing else could make us happy, was palm trees. We had palm tree shaped air fresheners in our cars, palm trees drawn on our assignment notebooks, and pictures of them hanging in our lockers. When we went to the Bahamas, they were the first thing we looked for. Thank goodness it's that time of year again when palm trees are more fitting for the weather outside. Given today's 80 degree forecast, it seemed like a spectacular thing to think of. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?
Palm Trees

Monday, May 3, 2010

27. Brothers

The past few days have made me remember how much I love my brothers. I've always known it but being home for recovery this week reminded me. They make me laugh 24/7 -- so much so that after abdominal surgery, I want to go live somewhere else just to escape the pain of laughing so hard.

They know me better than anyone else in the world and never fail to make me smile. They also know how to make me really really angry and give me spectacular lessons in patience.

I trust their judgment and value their opinions. I look up to them and am constantly learning from them. I don't know where I'd be without them... nor do I want to think about it!

Today's Sunny Thing?
My Brothers

Saturday, May 1, 2010

26. Thunderstorms

I slept on the couch last night. I woke up at 6 AM due to my dad leaving for work and my mom coming down to check on me. Then it began to storm. I love storms. A lot. The rainy day soundtrack gets pulled out and I listen to all sorts of songs about rain. Nothing puts me to sleep like a good storm. This morning I stayed up until about 8:30 listening to it, and then let it lull me back to sleep for a couple of hours. I almost wish it would rain every night just as I got into bed. It's the perfect lullaby.

Today's Sunny Thing?