Sunday, May 9, 2010

33. Brunch

I am a huge fan of brunch. It allows for a late wakeup time, tons of yummy food, and usually a bunch of close friends & family. Brunch also typically means that the entire day is free because it hits at a very awkward time if you're working or in school. This morning brunch was served by the IHM nuns & was quite yummy. Happy Mommy's Day! We had lots of fruit, which basically made my day. Not only that but I met with Sister Pat about planning a retreat for college age kids in Monroe because unfortunately we don't have anything of the sort! I've got lots of plans for this retreat -- pretty stoked to plan it. But I digress. Point is, brunch today was a blessing & I thoroughly enjoyed spending the day with my mommy, grandparents, & Brian. =) My mom & I had the giggles all day and thanks to the kids last night, I'm in a much better mood (despite yucky tummy issues). AKA Brunch = amazing.

Today's Sunny Thing?

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