Saturday, May 8, 2010

32. Flour

Seems like a pretty crazy thing to be happy about, but today it was one of those little things that completely changed around my week.

I haven't been having a very good week. Thanks to surgery I've been pretty cooped up and not allowed to do active things... which are usually the things that keep me going. It's not that this week has been BAD. I just haven't really been in the best mood due to frustration and, well, boredom, I suppose. Not that I've been bored. I keep finding things to do. But inactivity makes me feel bored.

Anyway, tonight I babysat for the three kids I've been sitting for since they were each born. I love those kids. Tonight I brought flour and sugar and vanilla and eggs and baking powder and frosting and sprinkles and other various decorations to make Mother's Day cookies. I decided that I didn't care how messy the kitchen got. Kind of like that one rainy day several years ago when I pulled out the paints, tied our hair up, moved everything stain-prone out of the kitchen, and let the toddlers have at it. We finger painted with regular paints and made splatter pictures and all sorts of fun art (which, in turn, painted the floor and tables and cabinets) but it was so much fun that I didn't even mind the cleanup.

Thus, tonight, when we broke out into a flour war, I didn't even mind. We splattered each other's faces and shirts and the floor and the counters and it was so fun. Emma attempted to capture it all on camera and pretty much failed but it doesn't matter. We've got the memories (although the pictures would have been spectacular).

Come to think of it, flour is a really interesting product. Who knew grinding up wheat could make such a valuable and fun powder!? It sticks to your face and clothes but is super easy to brush off. It makes bread and cookies and brownies and cakes and all sorts of yummy goodies and feels really fun between your fingers. Basically, flour is pretty darn cool. And for that reason...

Today's Sunny Thing?

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