Saturday, March 19, 2011

73. Curling Irons

I'm not sure what it is about curling my hair, but having ringlets that bounce with my every step do wonders for a bad day. Perhaps it's all of the good memories... memories of proms and dances and formals and Christmas Eve Masses and kindergarten plays and date nights... or perhaps it's simply the joy of something rare, because I don't curl my hair very often. Whatever it is, when I'm feeling down, the curling iron comes out and proves to be a good form of therapy. =)

Today's Sunny Thing?
Curling Irons

Saturday, March 12, 2011

72. SB 11

I usually don't write about specific events or inside jokes, but the past 4 days definitely deserve an entry of their own. Spending 3 nights and 4 days with several friends that have come into my life relatively recently made for the best second spring break I've ever had. (also the only time I've gotten two spring breaks). Although I was quite distressed prior to the trip due to the excessive amounts of homework that have begun to creep up on me, roadtripping with that group of people turned out to be just the break from the world that I needed. I had forgotten the benefits of a vacation. I may have gone to Japan last week, but 28 hours on airplanes and 24 hours in Tokyo hardly qualifies as "vacation." Roadtripping with no real time constraints does. Thank you all for a wonderful trip. I am so thankful for you all.