Wednesday, August 18, 2010

57. Turtles

I still remember the day that turtles became my second favorite animal. I was eleven years old and on crutches (again) and couldn't go up to deer camp with my dad and brothers. (Wooden trails are less than kind to a cripple). Instead, I sat around at home trying to occupy myself until they got back. When they did, they had a surprise for me. It was late at night and I was already in bed when they told me I HAD to go downstairs and see. So, twenty minutes later, I made it downstairs where Andrew came in with his hand closed over something so tiny that I honestly felt disappointed that they had found a rock for me. He opened his hand and said "His name is Art cause he's a Painted Turtle and in art class you paint!"

It was love at first sight.

This little turtle was the size of a quarter. He can't have been but a few days old. He was colorful and adorable and perfect for a girl that couldn't walk at the time. BUT he was the reason that I DID walk. My mom said that I could only keep him if I walked at school the next day. The doctor told me that it was still a little early but my mom was sure that he was just being conservative. And thus, on the way to Music class, I handed Stacy my crutches and attempted to walk. It was a terrible sight (not using that leg for so long had diminished all of my muscles to next to nothing) but I did it! And thus, Art was mine.

We kept him until he was too big and then we let him go (after intense training on how to eat minnows and fend for himself). I chose the Hidden Lake Gardens where he wouldn't get hit by a car. =)

A few years later, I adopted a little turtle from my biology teacher in high school. He came to soccer practice with me where my team named him after us... Usasem (pronounced You-Sass-Um). Usasem was a sick little guy but I got him healthy again and he lived for about 5 or 6 years before he went blind and eventually passed away. Now I've got Petrie and Little Foot. Petrie was from my grandpa and Little Foot is from Brian. They're adorable and so far, seem to be getting along better than when Little Foot first entered the picture in July!

Today's Sunny Thing?

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