Wednesday, January 5, 2011

67. Candles

A certain chico I know got me what is probably my favorite candle ever so far and in considering writing about it for Today's Happy Thing, I realized just how much I reallyyy like candles.

I light candles when I'm stressed. When I want to pray. When I need to study. When I write a paper. When I'm reading. When I'm sitting and writing in the blog. When I want to feel happy.

Winter, in my opinion, was MADE for candles. My apartment doesn't have a fireplace (go figure) so it's the next best thing. I don't know what it is about candles that make me feel so at peace, but my focus is never better than when I have candles lit. Thus why I light them to read and study and pray.

The particular candle in my picture happens to smell like a Christmas tree and even though it's not Christmas, it makes me SO very happy and is the one Christmas-y thing that is not getting put away in a closet until next Advent rolls around. (Well, maybe the fact that my favorite chico got it for me has a littleeee bit to do with it). But regardless, it is a candle, and one that makes my heart feel just a bit lighter.

Today's Sunny Thing?

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