Today's sunny thing:
When I was 15, I received a book entitled "Sixteen: Stories about that Sweet and Bitter Birthday" which contained short stories about, well, being 16. The only story I remember out of that book was about a dreaded Round-a-Bout. A young lady that was about to receive her driver's license was extremely nervous to attempt the most difficult part of living in the city: the round-a-bout. It took many many attempts and several close fails, but she survived. Unfortunately the story ended after she succeeded...once... and didn't detail whether she survived the second or third times, and never mentioned the possibility of her actually becoming proficient at driving around the round-a-bout. Thus, ever since then, I've been terrified of round-a-bouts and have found myself glad that I live in the U.S. where we don't really have them.
Until you go to Brighton.
The darn town has several. Including two right in a row. And if you want to visit Cari, you've gotta hit em. Both.
The first time I did it, I was with a darling chica named Mado while talking on the phone with her mom. It didn't go very well, to say the least. The second time, I was following Mom R. & Mado on the way to lunch and that went a little better, thanks to my spectacular tailgating skills. Since then, I've gotten progressively better. And thanks to those round-a-bouts in Brighton, my self confidence is just a teeny bit higher.
So today's sunny thing? Round-a-bouts. Because the Celtic Woman concert was TOTALLY worth the trouble of going through them.
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