I went home this weekend and went through the bookshelf in what used to be The Spare Room (previously the baby room, and now it's Stephen's room -- who, in fact, used to be "the baby"). I was specifically looking for one book but emerged with 7 or 8. I've got quite a summer read ahead of me!
I began one of my childhood favorites last night. It's the book that made me want to work in Pediatric Oncology. Reading it again is reaffirming that dream. It was a brand new book when I bought it. Now it has yellowed pages and that Old Book Smell. We all know that smell. It's the smell of every book grandma reads. It's the smell of libraries. And now, it's the smell of my childhood books. In a way, that's kind of sad to think about. But at the same time, I've always liked that dusty book scent. Now my old faves have it! =)
Today's Sunny Thing?
Old Books
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