I've missed a few days! So I'm making up for them. =)
I have a special relationship with the rosary as of late. Well, as of July 4, 2009. That was the day that my entire life turned around. Crazy, I know, but it's the day that I found myself. It's the day I found God. It's the day I was truly, 100%, happy. I don't know how or why it happened on July 4, but I was driving to a 4th of July party, saying a rosary (using the colorful one I made in kindergarten that only has 9 beads in the 3rd decade) and all of a sudden, this feeling of complete and utter happiness came over me. So much so that I broke into tears. That day God gave me the courage to stand up for myself. The courage to move on. The courage to be truly happy.
Since then, I've found a lot of great moments in the rosary. The night Kevin & I said one decade of the Glorious mysteries. The morning we got up early to say the rosary on retreat. The day Marcus & I got to church to discover that mass was at 7a.m. instead of 7:30 and said a rosary on the way to class instead. All of the early mornings and late nights I said a rosary on the way to work. Making a rosary in kindergarten and again on retreat this year. Andrew & I making opposite rosaries. All of the rosaries said in the car on the way to and from Ann Arbor. The rosary I said in my dream Friday night. So much joy from that little string of beads.
Friday's Sunny Thing?
The Rosary
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