Maybe it's those memories from toddler-hood when my parents built two houses in the span of two years. Or maybe it's growing up in a neighborhood that had no one else in it at the time, resulting in the continuous construction of new houses for the majority of my childhood (a stage of life that I'd gladly go back to, any day). Or maybe it's the fact that my dad LOVES woodworking and built a huge shed dedicated to his hobby, building bunk beds and mantles and shelves and lofts and our deck and several pieces of furniture for our house. Maybe it's the combination of it all, of all of the new lumber I was exposed to from an early age and continuously throughout my childhood. Regardless of where it began, something about the scent of new lumber brings nothing but happy feelings. Today while rollerblading, I passed a group of construction workers finally putting the first floor on a house that has been nothing but a hole in the ground up until this week. FINALLY the scent of new lumber fills the air when I pass, and it's so enthralling that I'm about to go rollerblading for the 4th time in two days just so I can enjoy it some more. :)
Yeah--I love that smell too. It means newness and creating.