Snow Days. The word automatically brings me back to those gradeschool days. Days of eagerly watching the weather before bedtime, praying for snow. Days of waking up early to listen to the radio and watch the TV, eyes straining to see the magical word "Monroe" scroll across the screen. Days of running into mom's room to announce the glorious news of a day off school. Days of hoping it wasn't a Tuesday so we could stay home with mom instead of going to daycare. Days of sledding down the huge snow pile on the circle in the middle of the street because no snow plow man could figure out how to avoid piling it all right in the middle of the street.
Then I grew up. And at 21, I still hope for snow days. BUT I go to U of M where snow days don't exist because some asian kid sued the university for cancelling class when he was paying so much for tuition. Lame, I know.
But even if U of M doesn't cancel class, I can totally declare my own snow day. Which I did. Twice.
I spent yesterday writing a paper that isn't due until Monday. (9 pages... boom.) I woke up late, stayed in my pj's literally all day (except the 45 minutes spent at the gym), ate yummy food like avocado & banana toast with scrambled eggs and coffee and salad with feta cheese and soup, got to hang out with my roommate, watched some TV, caught up on some dexter, & talked to mi novio a bit. Today? Today involves research, medbuddies, House & Dexter & Friends, the gym, organizing next week's meetings, and an early bedtime.
FINALLY my cortisol levels begin to decrease. :)
Today's Sunny Thing?
Snow Days

All of U of M's reactions when U of M announced that Ann Arbor would be the only campus remaining open.
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