It's been awhile since I've crossed a finish line. I ran cross country for one season and crossed about two finish lines per week. But I wasn't a huge fan of it. Running 3.1 miles just for the heck of it sucked.
Then I learned that crossing the finish line is a spectacular experience. Especially when it's 3.1 miles after 20 kilometers of biking and 500m of swimming. I've never heard of someone DISLIKING crossing a finish line. Not just the finish line of a race. But finish lines in general. Crossing things off of lists is a great experience. The finish line of a project is always exciting. Even the grand finish line of life is an exciting one, even if the world tends to view it as a bad thing (how can it be bad when JESUS is on the other side!?). But regardless, crossing a finish line is SUPER sunny. And thus...
Today's Sunny Thing?
Crossing the Finish Line