This week brought a full week of adventure for the family. Adventure Park in West Virginia, to be exact. Zip lining, paintballing, The Blob, huge lake toys, and white water rafting.
White Water Rafting was made the most entertaining by a few select people: 1) my mom, 2) Brent, and 3) Kyle.
1) My Mom
Anyone with a less-than-adventurous mother understands this one. I've gotta give her credit... she paintballed, swam in the lake, climbed the iceberg, rafted, swam in the river, zip lined, and probably faced every fear imaginable (except her fear of small spaces, as we were in some pretty huge spaces). However, her jumpiness and nervousness made for quite an entertaining adventure. =)
2) Brent
Brent, novice guide. He was our guide the first day of rafting when we were in our tiny Duckies, as they're called (aka blow up kayaks that you sit on top of, perched, ready to fall off). He was more entertaining the second day, though. He's newer to the rafting guide position and it's quite entertaining to watch. He dumped half his boat, spun in all sorts of circles, and basically left the rest of us laughing. =P
3) Kyle
Kyle was entertaining simply because he made fun of everyone else, including us. =) He's quite the experienced guide and thus, has earned the right to make fun of people.
Twas a spectacular trip. =) I'm SO sad to be back.
Today's Sunny Thing?
White Water Rafting
your mom is very brave!