You know it's summer when I don't update every day. =)
My dad taught me to fish when I was just a teeny little chica. Each of us kids had our own little fishing poles and we'd go out on the pontoon boat at Houghton Lake or from the shore of a pond somewhere nearby. I remember trying SO hard to cast further than he could... to catch a bigger fish. I always tried to bait my own hook to impress him and I still remember how proud he was when I finally took a fish off my hook by myself. I still do that, just because I know that he's proud to have a daughter that's not afraid of getting slimy and dirty and wormy.
This week we went on our first fishing trip of the year. It wasn't terribly successful but was definitely an adventure! We caught a few fish, got enough bites to keep things interesting, and had some good talks. I fed a baby bass to Max who usually just plays with them but, for some reason, opted to eat the entire thing this time. We stayed out until 9pm and got WHOOPED with rain. It was so fun speeding through the pouring rain, trying to outrun the lightning, and loading the boat faster than we've ever done before. Sitting on ponchos in the car, smelling wet fishy dog, and trying to warm up a bit. I don't get to spend much one on one time with my dad so trips like that when it's just us are special. It was a spectacular evening and I can't wait for more. =)
Today's Sunny Thing?
Waiting for the first bite
hooking the first fish of the season =)

last year's rainy fishing trip

my first fish last year... even smaller than this year's first =P
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