I'm not sure what made me decide that today's sunny thing is Sidewalks as I haven't really used a sidewalk lately. Well, that's a lie. I totally walked on sidewalks for like an hour last night. But it didn't strike me at the time that hey, I should write about Sidewalks tomorrow! But in thinking about sunny things, Sidewalks came to me and ya gotta admit... they're pretty cool. Didja ever use sidewalk chalk to turn your sidewalk into a road as a kid? I remember doing that and then going to put the stop signs in at each driveway on my street, but not knowing which side of the road the stop sign went on. I ended up putting them on the left until Patrick's dad corrected me, and then I was devastated because I didn't have a good way to erase all the wrong stop signs. So we decided we were in a different country where they drive on the wrong side of the road. (And yes, at the time, it WAS the "wrong" side... not just the "other" side.)
In all seriousness though, when I buy a house, sidewalks are a must have. I hate running in the road and definitely wouldn't want my kids learning to ride a bike there without grass on either side to fall on. Plus, shoveling them builds character!
Today's Sunny Thing?